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Pneumatic Solutions


Simmatic’s origins are well rooted from its pneumatic background. The company was founded servicing the requirement of pattern makers, pharmaceutical, glass and printing customers need for an extra level of service, not available from sales engineers, multi nationals and catalogue companies. Our original customers are still with Simmatic some 25 years later. As these companies have grown their own businesses, Simmatic has been supporting the new ventures and projects which are still a big part of the day to day work we are asked to do. Designing systems, advising correct use and latest developments available from the industry. We have UK distribution agreements with Aircomp and Airwork, both with their own specialisms. Aircomp for their air preparation and Airwork for their cylinders, stainless cylinders, rod locks and guided compacts. Simmatic has been involved in numerous memorable projects; a Cadbury fountain, automated spraytan, JCB mould tools, portable kidney dialysis, to name a few. You can be assured Simmatic will bring a broad range of in depth knowledge.