You can now see one of Simmatic’s most popular products, the M3000 Magic Pump, in action on YouTube. Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbkSu6tjMsc and a 3D animation will show you how the component parts of the pump fit together and how you can rotate and orient these components to provide your preferred configuration and port arrangement. You’ll also see the integrated pleated filter with high dirt capacity and auto-cleaning, which greatly reduce the need for maintenance.
The M3000 range of Magic vacuum pumps from Simmatic operate from a compressed air supply and are ideal for applications that include handling metal sheets, carton boxes and even semiconductor components. They offer exceptional versatility in a compact format that allows them to be easily accommodated even in applications where space is at a premium and, even with a low pressure or fluctuating compressed air supply, the pumps operate reliably and effectively.
The patented design of M3000 Magic pumps provides multiple vacuum ports and configuration options that allow the best possible use to be made of available space. The video shows all the available options for mounting the pump and the interchangeable ports, so you’ll easily be able to see how it would fit into your application. M3000 pumps can even be configured as direct replacements for “classic” pumps, providing a convenient option for upgrading older systems.