Category: Magic Gripper

Magic Gripper

Tailor Made Vacuum Solutions

Simmatic offer tailor made vacuum solutions specific to your project’s demands. We can vacuum handle trays, films, foods, foils, bags, boxes, glass, steel, wood or laminates, jars or bottles and…

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Palletising Solutions

Palletising Solutions from Simmatic

Palletising solutions from Simmatic are capable of handling a range of box sizes, with varying weights; using VMECA’s Magic Grippers to configure the end of arm tool and suitable for…

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Automation UK 2023

Automation UK 2023

Simmatic Automation Specialists Ltd are at Automation UK 2023, CBS Arena Coventry. Come and visit Dale Simmonds at Simmatic, Thomas Greenow-Langford and Ben Priest on exhibition stand A18.

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Palletising Robots

Palletising Robots

Here at Simmatic Automation we invite companies to challenge us with their difficult to handle products. We were tasked to design and manufacture four vacuum grippers to fit directly onto…

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World Cocktail Day

World Cocktail Day

Saturday May 13th is World Cocktail Day, a celebration of the art of making cocktails. So this week, we’re demonstrating VMECA’s MC23 Magic Gripper picking and placing cocktails in cans…

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Simmatic’s Easter video

Simmatic’s Easter video

Simmatic’s Easter video is demonstrating the versatility of VMECA’s MC25C Magic Gripper and MC10C Magic Gripper … To all our Customers and Suppliers – we wish you a very Happy Easter from…

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Spring has arrived

Spring Has Arrived

As part of our ‘Challenge Us’ programme, Simmatic were asked to vacuum handle a 20kg bag of compost. Using 8 x MC25 VMECA Magic Grippers attached to a bespoke laser cut…

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National Dog Biscuit Day

February 23rd is National Dog Biscuit Day. Watch our video demonstrating the Magic Gripper Box Palletiser for Dog Biscuits – the result of Simmatic Automation’s collaboration with RARUK Automation Ltd…

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Prepacked Mushrooms & Radish

Prepacked Mushrooms & Radish

Simmatic were recently challenged to find a pick and place solution for prepacked mushrooms & radish. We trialled VMECA’s MC25 Magic Grippers fitted with food grade XP40 Magic Cups. Here…

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Cashew Nuts

National Cashew Day

November 23rd is National Cashew Day. This week we’re celebrating National Cashew Day by highlighting VMECA’s compact vacuum solution, The Magic Gripper paired with Magic Vacuum Cup attachments, picking and…

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